
A Ground Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection
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WB00882_.gif (970 bytes) October, 1998

Measurements of selected transects on the runway of Cape Town International Airport, to attempt to locate some water layers within the tarmac, as well as below in the foundation. We have been processing the data a bit more. Here is another report presenting the results and summarizing what GPR can do for finding the water. To the report 

WB00882_.gif (970 bytes) June 1, 1998

Its ARRIVED - Lanmine-sa MAILING LIST!!!!. For quite some time I have been promising many people that I would be setting up a listserver to bring together all the people in South Africa working on landmines. Its HERE. Landmine-sa is simply an e-mail forum where we all can put our minds together to make some contribution to solving the landmine problem. 

To join the listserver send mail to:    majordomo@eng.uct.ac.za 

In the body of the mail add the line:  subscribe landmine-sa <email addresss>  eg 

                                                              subscribe landmine-sa alanl@rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za 

You will then be sent confirmation for joining the group. Once you have joined you can send mail to landmine-sa@eng.uct.ac.za - and all the group members will receive the mail. If you require any help please`email me at alanl@rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za 

NOTE: Everyone is welcome! Anywhere in the world! 


WB00882_.gif (970 bytes) June 1, 1998

Its ARRIVED - Lanmine-sa MAILING LIST!!!!. For quite some time I have been promising many people that I would be setting up a listserver to bring together all the people in South Africa working on landmines. Its HERE. Landmine-sa is simply an e-mail forum where we all can put our minds together to make some contribution to solving the landmine problem. 

To join the listserver send mail to:    majordomo@eng.uct.ac.za 

In the body of the mail add the line:  subscribe landmine-sa <email addresss>  eg 

                                                              subscribe landmine-sa alanl@rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za 

You will then be sent confirmation for joining the group. Once you have joined you can send mail to landmine-sa@eng.uct.ac.za - and all the group members will receive the mail. If you require any help please`email me at alanl@rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za 

NOTE: Everyone is welcome! Anywhere in the world! 


WB00882_.gif (970 bytes) May 31th, 1998

Since funding for the development of new landmine technologies is scarce, we have to try fund other uses of the radar to bring in funding. Recently MinRad was used to take some measurements of pavements, concrete slabs and roads. You can see some of the processed results by hopping over to the road measurement page.

WB00882_.gif (970 bytes)March 3rd, 1998

Well its already the 3rd March, and I have still not found the time to update this site. Please be patient. I have all the raw data. I just need to generate some JPG images of the processed data and put them on the site in some coherent fashion. If any one wants some raw data, and cannot wait for my slow time-scales, please e-mail me your request.

I am also presently trying to compile a list of all the local South Africans involved in the detection of landmines. If any of you manage to find your way to this site, please e-mail me your particulars.

WB00882_.gif (970 bytes)February 11th, 1998

From Feb 2 to Feb 6 we gathered our firsts set of radar data from some real mine targets. The measurements were taken in a 4m x 3m sandpit located  at Aerotek, CSIR which is located in Pretoria South Africa. Metal detector measurements were also captured by connecting a laptop to the ear phone port of the detector (thanks to Brian Arendse of the CSIR). I am currently busy sorting and processing the data. All results will be up on the web soon!

Sofar I have managed to put up one of the radar images. It is a scan over four targets, including a coke can and some mine simulants

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 This page was last modified on Tuesday,December 14th, 1998 by Alan Langman